Customer relationships

Professional networking

Professional networking

Professional networking… for some it’s fun, and for many, well… not so much

The best piece of advice I ever received about networking was…

Dealing with difficult people

Dealing with difficult people

Last week I had the opportunity to speak to Law Institute Victoria members on Dealing with difficult people…  a topic that is relevant to us all.

In my experience these points are a strong start to creating positive outcomes from difficult situations.

Create more referrals

Create more referrals

Want to create more referrals?
When starting out you’ve got to be specific… it’s easier and things move faster.  Why? It’s simpler – People can quickly get ‘Who you are, what you do and how to send people to you

Happy teams, Happy times

Happy teams, Happy times

Ever worked in a team of great individuals, but when it comes to working together, it doesn’t quite gel? 

One of the great contributors to team disharmony is misunderstandings and to reduce misunderstandings, we need to improve communication… but… where do you start?

Communicating with influence

Communicating with influence

When seeking to co-create a solution don’t ask for opinions, ask for advice as it creates more of a partnership role; rather than a critic you get a collaborator and the information is likely to be more constructive

Connecting with your customers

Connecting with your customers

People determine what’s important to them in any given situation… eg price, quality, timeliness. 

Here are two ideas for you to be mindful of when seeking to influence customers to your product or service.

The importance of showing up

The importance of showing up

Marketing takes time and patience.

You need to show up for more than 5 minutes before you ask for a sale.  Build a rapport with your audience, show you bring value to them, earn their trust.  Only then can you ask