Create more referrals

Want to create more referrals?

I think life’s too short to try to learn it all yourself and encourage people to learn from each other… so here are some of my key takeaways to save you time.

Today, takeaways from the creator of the Tribe Experience, Stu McLaren (at the recent Business Growth Summit | HerBusiness).  Stu’s niche is building Membership Sites and he had some great insights into how we might build a low-stress, high-profit business. 

  • Often fear prevents us from focussing our energy and makes us try to stay broad – Fear the market’s not going to be big enough or that we will be pigeon holed for life and we have more to offer… it’s not the case, it’s just the entry point

  • When starting out you’ve got to be specific… it’s easier and things move faster.  Why? It’s simpler – People can quickly get ‘Who you are, what you do and how to send people to you’

  • How are you doing?  Ask those around you “what do you think I am known for / what is it I do?” …if they don’t know right away, they can’t easily refer you and that’s a sign you’re not specific enough.  Make it easy for them to share the story.

Want more?  Follow me so you can get these bite size business takeaways.  And don’t forget to share with others!

My business is helping you with yours…

If you would like further information or to arrange some support in building this skill please don’t hesitate to contact me.  I look forward to helping you build your success your way.  

Yours in success,            