The Drivers Seat

The Drivers Seat

Don’t simply be a passenger. Here are three steps to take ownership of the direction your work and life takes.

Patience, a virtue

Patience, a virtue

I am a believer in patterns providing signs and timely reminders… and the pattern I see at the moment, is people being tested in practicing their patience.

Living with Intention

Living with Intention

I’m a goal setter… but to make the most of this year I will be living and working with more intention.
Here’s my spin on goals and new years’ resolutions, for a new year with a difference.

Navigating Change

Navigating Change

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a holiday, a project, or a business approach; nobody enjoys that detour on your journey with no information or instructions.

Using a change management framework can reduce frustration and resistance and set yourself and your team up for success.