As we enter 2021, I am struck by the sense of it lacking the ‘excitement’ I usually feel at the beginning of a fresh year. This year I notice a ‘cautious optimism’ rather than the typical sense of anticipation.
To be fair, the 2020/21 rollover is not the new year rollover we might typically enjoy. It is hung over with the ‘year that was’ and the somewhat uncertain ‘year that is’.
Photo courtesy of Danielle Macinnes – Unsplash
When I began 2020 I was super excited… with the luxury of not knowing what we would be individually and collectively facing in the year ahead, I had this whole “2020 vision; fresh new decade” vibe going on. I do love a new year, and 2019 had been good but there was something awesome I expected from 2020… didn’t I get a realignment…
2020 saw much uncertainty… it was also a year of adaptability and compassion as we reflected on what was important to us, found new ways to connect, and time to pause and enjoy some of the ‘little things’ we may not have had time for in other years. The year was challenging for all, in different ways. It was a year of compromise as we navigated what ‘was’ possible and embraced that. This meant inspired ‘pivots’ for some and what felt like ‘treading water’ for others.
The cautious optimism for 2021 will hopefully see renewed opportunities for all, and I hope we retain some of the good that we rediscovered in the 2020 year.
As I step into the new year, my key takeaway from 2020 is to balance expectation with intention. Don’t get me wrong, I am driven to succeed… I am a goal setter, planner, do-er… but I have taken the timely reminder that living and working with intention toward my goals, is more intrinsically motivating than the externally impacted alternative, of working with an (at times over optimistic) expectation of what success will look like.
So, whether you set goals or make new years’ resolutions, I encourage you to nurture your best self by getting clear on why you are doing them. That way you can feel the reward throughout the journey and remain motivated, rather than risking burnout, or only experiencing joy at the end. (you may like to refer to my article on motive, Your inner flame for more on intrinsic motivation)
Whatever your 2020 was, I wish you and your families happiness, good health and great prosperity for the year ahead.
As always – if you are looking to find your way into the new year, a coach may be what you are looking for. Reach out if you’d like to chat.
Keep well,
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If you would like further information or to arrange some support in building this skill please don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to helping you build your success your way.
Yours in success,