How long since you have reflected on the sense of fulfilment you get from your work?
In a recent conversation with a leader, she shared a powerful moment of self-reflection.
While performing consistently well at a high level, this leader had begun some mindful thinking about how fulfilled she felt in her role and what value she brought to the organisation.
The big insight for her was the difference between courage and confidence in making a real impact.
She realized that while she had confidence in her abilities, it was the courage to take risks and challenge the norm that led to meaningful changes and contributed to her sense of fulfilment.
Taking the time out to reflect on the sense of joy and fulfilment you get at work is really powerful.
While it may signify it’s time for a career change, often it highlights an opportunity to rethink your approach as a leader, team member, human – and deciding more consciously how you want to show up in your role.
Photo by Edu Lauton on Unsplash
I love the idea of considering the act of leaning in with courage rather than confidence.
Confidence can be a little elusive, often just out of reach, and never quite enough to take that next step, lean in, speak up.
Whereas Courage, courage is something we can have a little more influence over – we can choose to be vulnerable and show courage.
And that’s inspiring for those around us too.
I encourage you to consider…
What does fulfillment at work look like to you?
What would it take for you to step out of your comfort zone and begin to create more fulfilment, satisfaction and joy?
Want help bringing some more happy back to your work?
Reach out, I’d love to help you understand what’s important to you so you can target your efforts..
Keep well,
My business is helping you with yours…
If you would like further information or to arrange some support in building this skill please don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to helping you build your success your way.
Yours in success,