
Resilience, it's a real GEM

Resilience, it's a real GEM

Such an interesting evening spent at The Resilience Project last week...
Already passionate about supporting people to build resilience, these statistics created a whole new sense of importance and urgency in building the skill.

Meetings - friend or foe

Meetings - friend or foe

Meetings can be super beneficial to your business OR an expensive way to tie up your resources. Check out these three tips to ensure your meetings are productive.

Are you too busy to improve?

Are you too busy to improve?

Often we are so busy trying to move forward that we don't realise - there might just be a better way.

It's nearly tax time

It's nearly tax time

I am always excited by June as it means the shortest day is approaching and the daylight hours will begin to creep back YAYYY!!!… oh yes AND it’s EOFY yayyy!

Here’s some tips to help you get organised … 

Slave or Star Employee...?

Slave or Star Employee...?

Running a business and thinking… “If I don’t work harder than my employees, then I’m not a good role model”. 
Think again… what kind of role model do you really want to be?

Asking for help - a critical success factor

Asking for help - a critical success factor

Are you stuck in the mindset where you think you should be able to do it all yourself?

Fact - One of the critical success factors of our time, is to be able to ask for help when you need it.