Resilience, it's a real GEM

Such an interesting evening spent at The Resilience Project last week...

As a coach, facilitator (and fellow human) I was looking forward to going along to the seminar sure I would learn more strategies to incorporate into my existing repertoire… To be honest I was both saddened and surprised at what I learned.

Having been very aware of the increasing occurrences of mental health issues in our families, workplaces and communities I was still shocked at the statistics… the research showing 1 in 5 adults will experience mental health problems this year; and 1 in 7 primary school kids and 1 in 4 adolescents experience mental ill-health.  Sadly, the indicators are that by 2030 the #1 illness will be depression, and the #1 cause of death will be suicide.

Already passionate about supporting people to build resilience, these statistics created a whole new sense of importance and urgency in building the skill.

Practicing Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness builds mental muscle and improves our mental health

Practicing Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness builds mental muscle and improves our mental health

The curious fact for me, is that there are things we can do every day to build this skill.  Three relatively simple factors that contribute so positively to our mental health... I found myself wondering if the solution was too simple, and that perhaps we have overlooked and undervalued it in our day to day.  Those things: Gratitude, Empathy & Mindfulness. 

Interestingly the more privileged we are the more trouble we have feeling gratitude – and here in Australia we are (mostly) pretty privileged.  We spend time worrying about having a nicer car, better job, bigger house etc instead of being grateful for what we have. 

Being grateful doesn’t mean we can’t aspire for more, but it does mean more mindfully noticing what we already have.  Joy comes from here. 

The ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes means genuinely considering others and being present for them, which ultimately means you are more likely to act in a kind way.  This may be a smile or asking, ‘are you ok?’.

The act of doing something kind for another person releases Oxytocin in the brain… which means you feel good.  Win-win hey?!

The ability to be calm and present; and choosing what you want to focus on at a given moment.  Harvard research shows that it is not something that happens naturally… with 49% of our time thinking about the future, 34% about the past and only 17% spent in the present.  Interestingly we have the most influence over the present, yet on average spend so much more of our waking hours thinking (worrying) about what has been or has yet to come.

The benefits of practicing Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness

The benefits of practicing Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness

Be a GEM
Encourage yourself and those you care about to try practicing the following each day:
1.  Gratitude - identify 3 things you are grateful for or things that went well for you today
2.  Empathy - be kind to someone (a smile, asking ‘are you ok?’)
3.  Mindfulness - be calm and present (5-20mins each day)

the results begin almost immediately and in just 42 days the list of benefits is substantial...

Another cool thing…
Most of us will be aware that things like music, exercise and laughter improve our mood.  But did you know that the difference is almost instant.  Research shows these sources of joy, can improve our mental wellbeing within 1-30 seconds of experiencing them.  Amazing hey?!    

While these three things won’t “fix everything” they absolutely contribute to pushing us up the mental health spectrum, they help us bounce back from everyday disappointments and provide “mental muscle/reserves” for when we face emotional trauma in our lives.  

How can you begin to introduce more of these things that bring so many mental and emotional benefits to your life and the lives of those you care about?

If you haven’t heard about The Resilience Project you may like to check out their site for more information and details of up-coming talks.  They are doing amazing work raising the profile of mental health and positive mental health strategies and for that I am very grateful. 

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If you would like further information or to arrange some support in building this skill please don’t hesitate to contact me.  I look forward to helping you build your success your way.  

Yours in success,            