Adapt in August

We live in a world that is ever changing.  But, well seriously, who of us imagined that we might be living through an experience like this?  I for one did not.

Life has changed for us all.  Big changes and little changes, changes that have impacted and affected us in similar and also in different ways.  As we deal with ‘our own lot’, it is important for us to remain openminded and compassionate when we are connecting with others.  We each have our own life story and are each processing and managing the change in an individual and unique way. 

I consider myself to be fairly adaptable and open to change.  However, it has been interesting seeing how my own adaptability and preparedness to change has played out in our current situation.  How I have been challenged in simply going about my life and work.

Some days I can just get on with things, and then other days… well I don’t quite wander in circles, but it isn’t far from the truth.  It has been interesting speaking with clients and colleagues who describe a similar pattern of generally feeling capable and confident, until one day they are caught by surprise feeling flat and de-motivated.  Can you relate?

Mental health and wellbeing is always important, but even more so right now.  Taking care of our whole self, so we can in turn provide the support for our teams and our loved ones.

August in Victoria is looking even more challenging, with Stage 4 now announced for much of the state.

My passion is helping people build capability and what better time is there to share capability strategies than now?  Adapt in August is intended to do just that - contribute to your personal capability reserves, which in turn will enable you to help others. 

Each weekday I will share tools and thought starters to help you adapt and thrive during this challenging time.  Take what helps, and feel free to share with others.

Today I wanted to frame up the theme for this series of posts.  ADAPT.  Aside from the fact that it played nicely into my heading ‘Adapt in August’, a willingness to adapt is the overarching element necessary to help us work through any change.

By definition, to adapt is to make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose; to modify; or become adjusted to new conditions.  It balances nicely with the importance of remaining true to who we are while ensuring we still have our ability to at least continue if not thrive.

With the current degree of uncertainty, every moment of every day presents us with potential challenges.  There is no doubt this is taxing on our energy – mentally, physically, emotionally

Lending from Steven Covey’s 7 Habits of highly effective people, we have a choice to make at the outset that will see us more effectively responding to moments rather than reacting.  To improve our ability to respond in any given moment we must adapt.

Adapt in August

If I allow myself to react – my energy is spent quickly and with limited guidance by me.   Even more so, I am likely to feel a little like I don’t have any control of the situation (and with that worry, goes more energy)

If I am free to respond – my energy is applied with purpose and intent.  I can more mindfully decide what action I will take and when, and I feel a little more in control of my space.  Better yet, even if I cannot control the bigger picture there is less energy wasted outside of my sphere of influence.

In shifting my mindset to one of choosing to ADAPT I can free myself from the impromptu state of reacting to be better able to respond.

If I choose to adapt then my energy is in flow with that which is happening around me.  In this option though I may not have any more control over the situation, I don’t feel so out of control.  I am more inclined to seek out options that will enable me to adjust to the new conditions rather than spend ineffective energy resisting the situation.

To shift from React to Respond we shift our mindset to one that is open to adapt.

Today’s Adapt in August tip is to make a conscious effort every day to be mindful about adapting.  When you notice resistance:

1.       remind yourself ‘I am able to adapt’
2.      ask yourself ‘what is one thing I can do that will make this easier for me to work with?’
3.      consciously choose your response and action

To date we have seen workplaces become remote, schools transform to home schooling, businesses diversify (eg from dine in restaurant to takeaway, from making aprons to making masks), individual careers have pivoted and families and friends have made efforts to connect in more creative ways.

Creative options that six months ago we wouldn’t have seen as accessible.

How have you been adapting so far?  What have you found the hardest? 

I’ll be posting every weekday in August.  Follow my page to benefit from my Adapt in August series and build your capability for adapting to change.

Keep well. 

My business is helping you with yours…

If you would like further information or to arrange some support in building this skill please don’t hesitate to contact me.  I look forward to helping you build your success your way.  

Yours in success,