Mindset - a pathway to possibility

Photo courtesy of Lili Popper – Unsplash

Photo courtesy of Lili Popper – Unsplash

With the current degree of uncertainty, every moment of every day presents us with potential challenges. There is no doubt this is taxing on our energy – mentally, physically, emotionally

Mindset plays a huge part in our ability to regulate the amount of energy we expend, especially on things upon which we have little or no influence.

Elizabeth Gilbert says it well, “you are afraid of surrender because you don’t want to lose control. But you never had control; all you had was anxiety.”

As a structured and organised person, this really resonates with me. Having an awareness of our tendency or preference toward having control and the impact it has on our energy enables us to take pause and gather some perspective.

Perspective enables us to quite literally consider the situation from different points of view. As we create a wider scope on our reality, we have wider scope to consider the options that might be open to us before choosing the action we will take.

I recall my recovery after knee surgery, I was dedicated to my rehab exercises but no matter how hard I worked I could not get my knee to fully bend. I was frustrated.

My rehab consisted of swimming, riding, and x-trainer work… and my mind thought of triathlon. I spoke with my Physio and told him I needed something beyond the recovery of my knee to focus on and asked him to help me train for my first triathlon. As an experienced triathlete he was able to help and instead of ‘rehab exercises’ he prescribed ‘a training program’. My perspective immediately changed and within 2 weeks I noticed significant improvement in my range of motion.

We find ourselves in a time where we have limited control over the things happening in our world. We do have choices about how we respond.

Take a pause and reflect on your situation – look for a pathway to possibility. What might work for you?

Believing in possibility enable us to remain focussed on what we want and to overcome challenges and obstacles in a constructive way. Sometimes we need support from others to be able to do this.

I’ll be posting every weekday in August. Follow me to benefit from my Adapt in August series and build your capability for adapting to change.

Keep well,

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If you would like further information or to arrange some support in building this skill please don’t hesitate to contact me.  I look forward to helping you build your success your way.  

Yours in success,