Time Management

The Drivers Seat

The Drivers Seat

Don’t simply be a passenger. Here are three steps to take ownership of the direction your work and life takes.

Patience, a virtue

Patience, a virtue

I am a believer in patterns providing signs and timely reminders… and the pattern I see at the moment, is people being tested in practicing their patience.

Meetings - friend or foe

Meetings - friend or foe

Meetings can be super beneficial to your business OR an expensive way to tie up your resources. Check out these three tips to ensure your meetings are productive.

Are you too busy to improve?

Are you too busy to improve?

Often we are so busy trying to move forward that we don't realise - there might just be a better way.

Perfectly Imperfect

Perfectly Imperfect

Waiting for ‘it’ to be perfect before you press go?  Stop getting in your own way!

Perfect is an aspiration we strive for and while it has its place, it slows us down – exponentially.  Why?

Finding time to fly

Finding time to fly

We wake up and hit the ground running (well, actually we woke at 3am with our mind spinning with all the things that have to be done today/this week or should have been done yesterday…)  

We lead such busy lives that seem to keep get busier, and there’s just not enough time to get it all done.  So, what’s the answer?