How productive are your meetings? Meetings can be super beneficial to your business OR an expensive way to tie up your resources. Here are three quick questions to ask yourself before you send out the invitations to your next meeting:
1. What is the purpose of holding the meeting?
Being clear on the key outcomes you are seeking, enables you to create a structured agenda and best utilise the allocated time together
2. Who needs to be present to enable the outcomes?
Invite only those who will contribute to the outcomes, information can be shared with others after the meeting.
Note: A meeting may not always be the best way to share information. Having ‘the whole team’ attend a meeting so they can remain up to speed should be a conscious choice, considering what value is being brought -v- the expense of tying up their time. Could a well-crafted email suffice?
3. How are you going to make the most of the time you are all together?
Ensure everyone is set up for success even before they enter the room. Prepare and circulate an agenda (including meeting objectives), before the meeting to enable everyone to prepare AND to know what is and isn’t included in this window of time.
A well-run meeting can deliver great value to your team and business, however always remember there are alternatives.
For more tips on running effective meetings check out How-to-run-effective-meetings
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