Energy – how do you create it for yourself? I thought I’d share my revelation of the week…
I’ve always known I need enough sleep, exercise (outside time) and healthy food to keep me feeling at my best… However, it was this week that I realised just how valuable my early morning exercise sessions are in setting me up for my day.
Usually I am up early and exercise before work. While it’s tough getting out of bed on these chilly mornings, I always feel great when I have finished my workout (generally at the gym with the mornings still being so dark).
For a number of reasons, this week saw a change in my routine with me instead exercising in the afternoon / evening. While I still came away feeling good afterward, I discovered I was missing that early morning pick me up that set me up for the day, having me feeling energised and in a more positive mindset to face my work tasks.
Interesting… it’s not only about prioritising the good stuff in our lives – it can be even better if we get the timing right. I also notice if can take a short walk or get outside during the day, it clears my head and gives me a boost for the afternoon.
What are your strategies to keep you energised for your day? Let’s set an intention to get back on track for next week … and set ourselves up for success.
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Yours in success,