Finding time to fly

We wake up and hit the ground running (well, actually we woke at 3am with our mind spinning with all the things that have to be done today/this week or should have been done yesterday…)  

We lead such busy lives that seem to keep get busier, and there’s just not enough time to get it all done.  So, what’s the answer?

Making time for what is important to you

Making time for what is important to you

Well, there is a lot of advice out there – much of it good (outsource, get a cleaner, reduce time spent in meetings, check out that new app…) but the fact is, if you don’t address the cause of the problem, whatever solution you implement will only be short lived… whatever time you regain will be swallowed up with more things that have to be done.  So, what do you do?

There’s much talk about decluttering and minimalism… our homes, our wardrobes (eeek), our work space (double eeek!!); but it’s also important to declutter our lives.  I can sense eyes rolling as I speak… but think about it for a moment... when something is truly important to us, it gets done – am I right?  Therefore, it stands to reason that if we genuinely prioritise and focus on the important things (rather than ALL the things), we actually set ourselves up for success. 

I know, easier said than done right?  I mean, “what can I really cut from my list?”; "how do i find time to start to implement this"; "where do i even start?"

It is as much about breaking a habit (forming a new one), as it is reducing your ‘list’.

The answer is different for everyone, but what I have seen to be useful for many of those I have worked with, is if you start by getting some clarity on what you want your week to look like, chat with a friend, partner, colleague or coach, to find your balance between urgent and important, needs and wants… then plan and act with intention to achieve the priorities you have identified.  Some tips to get you started…

  • at work, it’s about working smarter.  Get clear on your plans (business, marketing, team, work) and be really specific about what your priorities are and the actual time you have (as humans we are usually overly optimistic here, so keep it real).  Consider your tasks based on the value they bring to your priorities, if they don’t bring value, remove or park them for later.  Finally, consider what you can do 'smarter' yourself and what you can outsource or delegate - then stick to your plan. 

  • at home, it’s the balance of what you/your family find important rather than someone who visits you - refine your to-do list prioritising needs over wants, think about what you can do 'smarter' yourself, what you can outsource or delegate, and what may not really need to be done at all…

The rewards are real, but it will take time and energy to implement so be kind to yourself as you transition and enlist support to form and embed your new habit (perhaps encourage a friend or colleague to do it with you!)

My business is helping you with yours…  

If you would like further information or to arrange some support in building this skill please don’t hesitate to contact me.  I look forward to helping you build your success your way.  

Yours in success,            