It's nearly tax time

It's nearly tax time

I am always excited by June as it means the shortest day is approaching and the daylight hours will begin to creep back YAYYY!!!… oh yes AND it’s EOFY yayyy!

Here’s some tips to help you get organised … 

Professional networking

Professional networking

Professional networking… for some it’s fun, and for many, well… not so much

The best piece of advice I ever received about networking was…

Slave or Star Employee...?

Slave or Star Employee...?

Running a business and thinking… “If I don’t work harder than my employees, then I’m not a good role model”. 
Think again… what kind of role model do you really want to be?

Asking for help - a critical success factor

Asking for help - a critical success factor

Are you stuck in the mindset where you think you should be able to do it all yourself?

Fact - One of the critical success factors of our time, is to be able to ask for help when you need it. 

Time to design

Time to design

Feeling stuck doing the everyday tasks? 

How do you shift from the ‘doing’ to the ‘designing’? Time when you can be working on your business, rather than in it.

Is your back up plan setting you up for failure?

Is your back up plan setting you up for failure?

I recently heard Arnold Schwarzenegger share his advice on how to achieve your goals.  He said, “Don’t have a Plan B”.

Knowing the benefit of a good plan, I was shocked. 

Two rules for operational efficiency

Two rules for operational efficiency

Are you and your team focused on what is important?

The Bee Hive is one of the most efficient operations around.  They use little energy to generate great results. 
How?  They have two rules.

Perfectly Imperfect

Perfectly Imperfect

Waiting for ‘it’ to be perfect before you press go?  Stop getting in your own way!

Perfect is an aspiration we strive for and while it has its place, it slows us down – exponentially.  Why?

Dealing with difficult people

Dealing with difficult people

Last week I had the opportunity to speak to Law Institute Victoria members on Dealing with difficult people…  a topic that is relevant to us all.

In my experience these points are a strong start to creating positive outcomes from difficult situations.