Running a business and thinking… If I don’t work harder than my employees, then I’m not a good role model. Think again…
This old chestnut has haunted the best of us for way too long, but how is it enabling us to bring our best? It prevents us from finding life balance, is not a sustainable way to run our business, and who defines “hard working” anyway?
It is valuable to be mindful that we’re role modelling the behaviours we seek to influence in our workplace, however it is quite another to think that it is as simple as being seen to always be busy.
Of course, being a solid contributor to the business is high up on that list… but what does that look like? It’s more than that the number of hours you work.
Stop for a moment and consider the values you want to instil in your team. You are seeking to build something of value, which is a business that is not dependent on the owner, that gives you life balance, that has you, your team and customers feeling valued, rewarded and engaged.
Shift your vantage point. Recognise that each team member has their role to play. Consciously remind yourself that it is the quality of your operational ‘behind the scene works’ that counts, not the quantity.
Instead of rewarding the number of hours or apparent busy-ness, shift the focus to outcomes. Encourage your team to find efficiencies, empower your team to work smarter not harder… and do this by role modelling.
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If you would like further information or to arrange some support in building this skill please don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to helping you build your success your way.
Yours in success,