Two rules for operational efficiency

Are you and your team focused on what is important?

The Bee Hive is one of the most efficient operations around.  They use little energy to generate great results.  How?  They have two rules.

The Bee Hive is a role model for operational efficiency

The Bee Hive is a role model for operational efficiency

Rule 1 – protect the queen bee role (which is to produce eggs)

Rule 2 – do primary job function role (collect nectar)

The queen bee role is the most important role of the hive – without the production of eggs, the hive will not survive.  However, it’s the role that’s critical, not which queen bee does it… if something happens to the queen, another will take her place.

These principals can be directly applied to your business.

Ask yourself, what is the one biggest promise you make to your customer?  And, what is the one biggest thing that you do to ensure you deliver on that promise? 
In all the busy-ness of your business operations, that is the role that needs to be protected.

If the ability to complete the task and meet the promise is ever threatened, then you realign your resources to address that.  You must be ready in predictable times like peak seasonal demands, and unpredictable times, like when the person in that key role is unwell.

Coach your team to protect the core function of your organisation first and then do their job.  Create the focus of energy that is critical to the overall success of your business.

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Yours in success,            