Adapt in August

Adapt in August

Mental health and wellbeing is always important, but even more so right now. Taking care of our whole self, so we can in turn provide the support for our teams and our loved ones. Adapt in August is intended contribute to your personal capability reserves, which in turn will enable you to help others.

Each weekday I will share tools and thought starters to help you adapt and thrive during this challenging time. Take what helps, and feel free to share with others.

Resilience, it's a real GEM

Resilience, it's a real GEM

Such an interesting evening spent at The Resilience Project last week...
Already passionate about supporting people to build resilience, these statistics created a whole new sense of importance and urgency in building the skill.

Meetings - friend or foe

Meetings - friend or foe

Meetings can be super beneficial to your business OR an expensive way to tie up your resources. Check out these three tips to ensure your meetings are productive.

Are you too busy to improve?

Are you too busy to improve?

Often we are so busy trying to move forward that we don't realise - there might just be a better way.

Sharing in the good stuff

Sharing in the good stuff

How well do you receive well intentioned constructive or development feedback?

How about positive feedback… I mean, the congratulatory kind… receiving credit where credit is due? 

Find this difficult? Read on…