Encourage a better performing you

Did you manage to catch any of the interviews at the recent Business Growth Summit hosted by HerBusiness? 

I’ve always believed that life is too short to try to learn it all yourself, and forever encourage people to learn from each other… and (Surprise, surprise) I’m ‘one of those’ notetakers… so over the next few weeks I thought I’d share some of the key takeaways so you don’t miss out.

Today, a couple more thought starters from Victoria Labalme.  (Victoria seeks to help you “Unlock your hidden genius and Transform your Business Performance”)

  • Risk forward – growth requires uncertainty, put yourself out there and gently move forward

  • There are times you will feel overwhelmed, like you can’t keep up and are falling behind … don’t try to do everything, focus on what’s important to you

  • Just because you are good at something, doesn’t mean you have to do it… what lights you up?

  • Just because you haven’t worked on it in a while, doesn’t mean it’s not meant to be

  • Just because everyone else thinks it’s a good idea, doesn’t mean it’s right for you

Want more?  Follow me so you can get these bite size takeaways for life and business.  And don’t forget to share with others!

My business is helping you with yours…

If you would like further information or to arrange some support in building this skill please don’t hesitate to contact me.  I look forward to helping you build your success your way.  

Yours in success,            