Did you get to listen in to any of the interviews at the recent Business Growth Summit hosted by HerBusiness?
I’ve always believed that life is too short to try to learn it all yourself, and forever encourage people to learn from each other… so I thought I’d share some of my key takeaways so you can get in on the learnings too.
Today, my takeaways are from Victoria Labalme. An interesting link from performance on stage to performance in business and life… (Victoria began helping people to present and perform better in their own right which has progressed to help “Unlock your hidden genius and Transform your Business Performance”) … some interesting thought starters here:
We “compare and despair” – ie, we look at what others are doing/have done… and we stop looking at what we do best
Do what you love - when you are having fun, you will ‘light up’ and bring your genius out - creating a whole new level of experience for those around you
Excited but scared is very different from … this isn’t right for me
Want more? Follow me so you can get these bite size takeaways for life and business. And don’t forget to share with others!
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If you would like further information or to arrange some support in building this skill please don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to helping you build your success your way.
Yours in success,