Don't be that team with 1 brain and 8 arms

Ever wondered why even though you have brought on more staff you are still as busy as ever AND the bank balance hasn’t really changed? 

Business owners and team leaders must actively design their business to run itself.  This includes freeing yourself from the day to day… which can be more difficult than we realise.  

Why?  Often, we think we are delegating, but have really just shifted from being the ‘do-er’ into being a ‘decision maker’ eg The new employee now does the task, but is coming to you for every little decision.  Therefore, while you may have increased your businesses capacity, you find you still haven’t gained any more time to work on the business, because you are forever giving answers to your new employees.

Don’t risk becoming a team with one brain and eight arms

Don’t risk becoming a team with one brain and eight arms

Don’t risk becoming a team with one brain and eight arms…

Empower your team by

  • Describing outcomes rather than simply assigning tasks, it gives the employee more scope to make informed decisions

  • Establishing best practices to provide guidance for your new team members eg share current processes


  • Encouraging your employees to come to you with their ‘proposed solutions’ rather than questions. 

 Together you will achieve greater things.

Want more?  Follow me so you can get these bite size business takeaways.  And don’t forget to share with others, because life’s too short to try to learn it all yourself!

My business is helping you with yours…

If you would like further information or to arrange some support in building this skill please don’t hesitate to contact me.  I look forward to helping you build your success your way.  

Yours in success,            