Wondering how to build capacity in your business?
Support an employee when they come to you with a decision… even it is not the best decision.
“Wait what!? But what if it is a bad decision?” I hear you ask… Great question.
The following process role models the method you use to make good decisions for your business, empowers the employee into the future, and overall helps them to own the outcomes of the decisions they make.
Acknowledge they’ve had the courage to make a decision they think is in the best interest of the business.
Together explore how that decision may play out
Weigh up the risk, if it’s low risk, but a great learning opportunity, let it play out
If the risk to the business is too great, then support them to understand how and why this decision does not fit with the overall vision for the business and encourage them to consider better alternatives (once again, explore how each alternative may be more aligned to the outcome you are seeking)
Finally, should the employee not come to an appropriate decision, share ‘your’ decision including your rationale, so they may learn from your experience.
Investing this time now, will pay dividends in the future.
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If you would like further information or to arrange some support in building this skill please don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to helping you build your success your way.
Yours in success,