Winning your “Inner Game”
I think life’s too short to try to learn it all yourself and encourage people to learn from each other… so here are some of my key takeaways to save you time.
Today’s takeaways are from online marketing expert Amy Porterfield. At the recent Business Growth Summit hosted by HerBusiness, Amy talked about how our Inner Game is critical to success in our Outer Game.
Don’t compare your success with the success of others, it’s an unfair comparison… you don’t really know what others are doing, you know the back end of your business, but you only see the front end of theirs… Put your blinkers on and run your own race
You have to get uncomfortable to grow – Plan, then move forward even if you are scared, or vulnerable.
Have support around you, life coach, business coach, mentor, team, friends and peers that believe in you and will push you.
Ensure that you have instructional or inspirational inputs… (eg podcasts or music) keep the learning and good energy coming in.
Want more? Follow me so you can get these bite size business takeaways. And don’t forget to share with others!
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If you would like further information or to arrange some support in building this skill please don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to helping you build your success your way.
Yours in success,