Winning at your 'Inner Game'

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Some key takeaways on “Your Inner Game” from the recent Business Growth Summit hosted by HerBusiness. 

I think life’s too short to try to learn it all yourself and encourage people to learn from each other… so I am sharing some of the key takeaways so you can share in the good stuff.


Today’s takeaways are from online marketing expert Amy Porterfield.  Amy talks about how our Inner Game is critical to success in our Outer Game.  Key takeaways:

  • Playing small -v- Playing big – Small is safe, but if you play big and don’t quite get there, (despite a little disappointment) you will often find it was worth it, as you’re well ahead of the small game play. 

  • All too often, small businesses don’t grow into bigger businesses – because of internal limiters like self-doubt and negative internal chatter that we actually believe

  • You have the power to change your thoughts… which will change your feelings and influence your ability to achieve your goals.

  • Note that your expectations can shift as you go along, notice if your goals are ‘moving targets’ and be sure to celebrate your wins and achievements along the way.

Want more?  Follow me so you can get these bite size business takeaways.  And don’t forget to share with others!

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If you would like further information or to arrange some support in building this skill please don’t hesitate to contact me.  I look forward to helping you build your success your way.  

Yours in success,            