
Broaden your horizon

Broaden your horizon

All too often we play it safe and stay within the boundaries of our comfort zone. The “good stuff” resides outside our comfort zone. Explore options that lead you to take action that extends you, grows you, inspires you.

Consider these three ways you can reach out and broaden your horizons.

Your inner flame

Your inner flame

Everyone’s prize looks different and we each have our own set of challenges and obstacles that we must overcome to reach it, however the power is in knowing what you want and why.

Find out why is motive so important to being your best self?

Patient Endurance

Patient Endurance

Whether it is a physical, mental, or emotional challenge we are facing, having the patience and determination to endure improves our chance of success exponentially.

How do you nurture your capacity for endurance?

Resilient You

Resilient You

Resilience – it is NOT just sucking it up. It is persisting. Overcoming disappointment, taking on learnings after feedback or failure, falling off your bike and getting back on.

Today’s post includes 5 strategies to be more resilient.

Optimisation is key

Optimisation is key

No good farmer would expect their harvest to prosper without diligent cultivation and care, and very few of us would omit to service and care for our car... but how many of us are as conscientious in taking care of one of (if not the most) important resources we have – ourselves?

Feel the fear and do it anyway

Feel the fear and do it anyway

Having courage is a skill, like being able to see the adventure in the unknown rather than the uncertainty of not knowing. And the awesome thing about skills is that they are something that can be learned.

Connection – be part of something bigger

Connection – be part of something bigger

For a long time, I felt I needed to be able to do it all on my own. I was fiercely determined to be able to stand on my own two feet without the need to rely on others. Noble? Perhaps. Wise? Perhaps not.

Take a moment to consider how you can be a part of something bigger.

Living life by design

Living life by design

From time to time we may wonder what our purpose in life is… why do we exist, why are we here – but, while we are figuring that out, with a little thought and attention, we can actively live our life with intention and purpose. We can be our best selves and live a life we love.