Are your current boundaries allowing you to live a life you love?
Photo courtesy of Sammie Vasquez – Unsplash
To be the best version of you, you may need to try reaching beyond your current boundaries.
I know I know… it is quite comfortable here – in what we know. But, imagine if you could get ‘that job’, meet ‘that person’, take ‘that trip’. We all have a bucket list that includes a mix of personal and professional items – imagine if you could start ticking those off.
All too often we play it safe and stay within the boundaries of our comfort zone. The “good stuff” resides outside our comfort zone. Explore options that lead you to take action that extends you, grows you, inspires you.
“We ask ourselves who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are we NOT to be? Your playing small doesn’t serve the world” ~ Nelson Mandela (extract 1994 Inaugural speech)
I challenge you to reach; to stretch, extend yourself; to see more, be more, do more.
Consider these three ways you can reach out and broaden your horizons.
1. Reach for something new
Reach into your bucket and choose something that you have wanted to do for ages, but as yet haven’t. Get clear about what you want to do or achieve and why?
Consider what has stopped you – what do you need to ‘unstop you’?
Create a 5-point action plan to break it down into bite sized pieces and get started.
2. Reach out and expand your network
Choose someone you admire and respect and reach out to connect with them. Consider your reason for connecting and plan your approach. Are you seeking information or opportunity, a mentor/mentee relationship or simply to meet them? Be respectful and genuine as you reach out, so while it may feel a little uncomfortable it does not feel “icky”.
“It is not enough to wish on the stars, you have to reach for them” ~ unknown
3. Reach for a star
Are you seeking to influence, make a difference, write a book, start your business, have a life change…? As Lao Tzu says, “A journey of 1,000 miles begins with just one step”.
Identify 5 milestones that will step you through the key stages of this venture.
Create individual 5-point action plans for each milestone to break it down further. And take the first step.
I would encourage you to practice reaching further than you have before. Explore and mitigate risk by all means; but expand your range – don’t play it safe.
In spite of fear – have a learning mindset; nothing is a failure it simply is a learning moment – take away three learnings that you can apply next time. The more consistently you do it the more your ‘muscles’ are strengthened, and you accumulate courage.
Finally reach out to give and receive support and encouragement. Life and success is so much better when it’s shared.
I’ll be posting every weekday in August. Follow me to benefit from my Adapt in August series and build your capability for adapting to change.
Keep well,
My business is helping you with yours…
If you would like further information or to arrange some support in building this skill please don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to helping you build your success your way.
Yours in success,