No good farmer would expect their harvest to prosper without diligent cultivation and care.
Very few of us, would omit to service and care for our car, knowing that we rely upon it to get us safely to and from all manner of important (and fun) events and destinations.
And yet how many of us are as conscientious in taking care of one of (if not the most) important resources we have – ourselves?
Isn’t it interesting that we dip into our sleep time, cut into our exercise time and creep into our family time and yet still expect optimum performance from what is a less than nurtured resource? Worse still, rather than coach and care, we chastise and critique ourselves with disparaging self-talk!
To be able to make the best or most effective use of any opportunity you must nurture every aspect of yourself.
Abraham Harold Maslow was a psychologist who studied positive human qualities and the lives of exemplary people and created the Hierarchy of Human Needs (1954). According to Maslow’s research, when our basic needs are met we have a duty to ourselves and others, to fulfil our potential (and our happiness).
Photo courtesy of Randy Fath – Unsplash
Lending from Maslow’s work there are several different aspects of energy and wellbeing that contribute to personal optimisation including Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual.
The needs and methods will vary from person to person; however, we all need to consider and find a balance in each aspect to nurture our best self and optimise our potential.
To get you thinking, I have included some examples of how each of those aspects of energy and wellbeing might show up in our lives:
Physical – includes things like getting enough sleep, eating healthy food, moving to raise your heart beat for at least 30mins every day
Emotional – connection with our self and others, cultivating a sense of belonging, awareness and processing of past, present (and future) emotional experiences including reflection, forgiveness and gratitude
Mental – includes the act of thinking, reflecting and nurturing a positive mindset, learning, setting goals and working toward them
Spiritual – For some it may include cultural or religious connection, for others, values, a sense of purpose, creativity, laughter
Which of these are you doing well, and which one/s need some attention?
We have influence over ourselves and how we face each day. If we have been paying attention to our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs we can have our best possible Self ready for whatever the day brings.
Don’t let the quality of your life be left to chance. Know your needs and consciously nurture and maintain them so when challenge or opportunity knocks, you are able to bring you’re “A game”.
Are you optimising yourself and your potential?
How are you supporting others to do the same?
I’ll be posting every weekday in August. Follow me to benefit from my Adapt in August series and build your capability for adapting to change.
Keep well,
My business is helping you with yours…
If you would like further information or to arrange some support in building this skill please don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to helping you build your success your way.
Yours in success,