After gaining new skills we just want to put them into action. If we can’t, it’s like having new ‘toys’ and nowhere to use them…
Personal and professional growth is a fact of life. We are always growing – with every experience. Our choice (for ourselves and our team) is whether we actively pursue and encourage growth or whether we allow it to happen haphazardly.
Ideally, we are thinking about a 5-year plan. Consciously advocating for the growth and development of ourselves (and our team), in line with the future needs of the industry in which we operate.
A question that we may ponder when thinking about training our team… ‘What if we train them and they leave?’
I love Henry Ford’s response to this…
“The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave, is not training them and having them stay.” - Henry Ford
Whether it be a skill I have developed, a role I have mastered, or a new piece of software I have learned; the fun part is actually bringing it to life. Often, we cannot take the next step unless and until there is some kind of opportunity to; use the new skill, have greater responsibility or introduce a new process with the new software or technology. This opportunity most often involves some kind of change.
As we grow in skill and confidence, we seek out new experiences. We will creatively consider new ways and even propose trying new things. If our environment (culture) doesn’t encourage change, we may seek it elsewhere.
Beyond providing the learning and growth opportunities, it is equally important to cultivate a culture that is curious, and open to change. Be constructive in the growth of your team and business by mindfully creating opportunity to embed the learning and gain the return on investment.
The objective is to be a learning organisation that is open to change. Not just giving ‘lip service’ of wanting to be innovative.
Instead of becoming complacent in current systems and process, genuinely listen to ideas that are presented and be prepared to consider and discuss new ways and approaches. Enable employees to feel they can apply the learnings of their growth and contribute and make a difference.
“Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don't want to.” ― Richard Branson
In my own personal experience, those businesses that have invested in my development have been the ones in which I felt most valued AND most loyal. When I’ve attended a training course that has enriched me personally and added a new skillset to explore and develop - of course it is an addition to my CV; however I have come back to my workplace excited to invest my learnings into my work; they invest in me, I invest in them. Many employees have this shared value… and it is a value worth nurturing.
In summary:
If your team members are going to contemplate opportunities… have them contemplate opportunities that will benefit your business rather than external ones.
Invest in developing the skills of your people, as well as the opportunities for them to apply them.
Embrace the possibility of change with curiosity rather than control and see how you, your team and your business can grow and change together.
Reach out if you would like support to step into growth and change with confidence.
Keep well,
My business is helping you with yours…
If you would like further information or to arrange some support in building this skill please don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to helping you build your success your way.
Yours in success,