Every day we face challenges, get feedback, have opportunities for growth and change.
This can be exciting or overwhelming, depending on how well you feel you are able to step into action.
All too often we focus on the skills or experience we don’t have. I encourage you to first do a stocktake of what you DO have.
I recall when I was starting my business, I was really excited and more than a little nervous. Being the, structured and organised person I am, I did a SWOT analysis to understand my Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Given that I am an owner operator, the SWOT was as much about me as it was the business.
As I looked at the points under each of the headings, I asked myself how my strengths could help me in the other quadrants. One of my key strengths is being organised, and I recognised that I could lever that strength to create resources, structure and process that would set me up for Opportunities, help me overcome my Weaknesses and mitigate risks I had listed under Threats.
So how do you know what your strengths are? I think this is a great question – for a long time I thought everyone could do what I did… but the fundamental truth is we are all different. We can each do many things, but we all have different strengths.
Two assessment tools you can use to discover your strengths are:
The CliftonStrengths Finder - which can be done online or by purchasing the Strengths Finder 2.0 book by Gallup and using the activation code. The base assessment gives you a personal report on your top 5 Strengths and provides ideas on how to action them (a fuller report on 34 strengths is also available at further cost).
The VIA Character Strengths - is a free online assessment which provides a report ranking 24 character strengths in order of priority for you providing you with a learning lens . You have opportunity to reflect on your top 5 signature strengths and your 5 lesser strengths to see which come more naturally and which take more energy.
Reflecting on your strengths can also be useful to help understand why you may enjoy different tasks / jobs more than others. You will also get an insight into how you can lever your strengths and how to be mindful of times when they can be overused. (For me, when I am under pressure, my Organising strength can be experienced by others as ‘controlling’… not so fun!)
Don’t start from ground zero – lever life with the muscles you already have.
Before undertaking any challenge or opportunity first reflect and assess the strengths you already have. Tap into those first, they come more naturally and can create a strong foundation from where you can continue to build your new and learned skills.
I’ll be posting every weekday in August. Follow me to benefit from my Adapt in August series and build your capability for adapting to change.
Keep well,
My business is helping you with yours…
If you would like further information or to arrange some support in building this skill please don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to helping you build your success your way.
Yours in success,