A mind for success

Mindset is like a ‘power suit’ for your mind.

In much the same way we dress for success – put on that outfit that has us look and feel more confident and encourages our personal power to shine. Mindset is like a ‘power frame’ that sees your mind look through a filter of confidence and possibility rather than one of doubt or fear.

Choosing your mindset is equally if not more powerful as it frames the way you think and therefore behave.

“Your mind doesn’t know what to think – it believes whatever you tell it” ~ Nicholas King

I love this quote by Nicholas King. We often underestimate the power that our self-talk and belief’s have on our ability to be the best version of ourselves. All too often our inner dialogue is that of our personal critic rather than our personal coach.

When our thinking sits in the negative, we believe in that limit and live into that life, in turn creating more of the same. Positive thinking does the opposite, it sees us live into possibility, bringing with it much more energy for the cause.

Sounds a little ‘woo woo’ until you think that most elite athlete’s use this strategy with a consistent and conscious energy. They spend time every day visioning the success they are seeking, the times/heights/records they aim to break – this enable them to believe it is possible and so it becomes the reality the strive to create.

Photo courtesy of Sydney Rae – Unsplash

Photo courtesy of Sydney Rae – Unsplash

At times (like these Covid times) when we become aware of our energy waning, we must actively choose to frame our mind with confidence and possibility to help us step into action. Importantly we need to ensure our mindset is ready to help us take action and to do this we need to build some mindset muscle every day, so that it is primed to perform when we need it most.

What are your strategies to combat this?

Different strategies work for different people. But the essence of all is increasing the positive encouragement of self to live into possibility, rather than ruminating over things that have not gone so well or dwelling on doubts.

A couple of strategies that have been popular with my clients:

  • The critic and the coach, each sit on one of your shoulders and represent your inner voices. They both love you and want to keep you safe. They just have different styles. If you notice yourself feeling uncertain check in with them and ask their views to get a balance of encouragement and caution. (adopted from “The Impostor Syndrome by Harold Hillman)

  • As you rest your head on your pillow at night, or first thing each day, take a moment to remind yourself of three ‘good things’ that have you feeling positive, happy and encouraged

  • Create a space (a board, frame, fridge, screen saver, … ) that you see every day, where you can add images, quotes or goals to help maintain your personal focus on the things that are important to you and help you feel confidence and possibility as you set about your day

What will you do to start each day with success in mind?

I’ll be posting every weekday in August. Follow me to benefit from my Adapt in August series and build your capability for adapting to change.

Keep well,

My business is helping you with yours…

If you would like further information or to arrange some support in building this skill please don’t hesitate to contact me.  I look forward to helping you build your success your way.  

Yours in success,